Here is a screenshot of the spam mail which claims to be
from FedEx.
You will notice that the email address in the From field is
suspicious already since it does not use the domain.
The ZIP file contains an executable file that is disguised
as a PDF file. It uses the double extension .PDF.EXE and uses icon of Acrobat
PDF. We currently detect this as Trojan.Win32.Injector.awxd (v)
Upon execution, it creates a copy of itself as:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE %\m<random string>.exe
To execute itself every time Windows starts, it adds the
following registry key:
56140 = "%ALLUSERSPROFILE %"\m<random
It sets the following registry entries to:
TaskbarNoNotification = 0
HideSCAHealth = 0
TaskbarNoNotification = 0
HideSCAHealth = 0
EnableLUA = 0
It also deletes the following registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image
File Execution
It then spawns an instance of the non-malicious file %SYSTEM%\msiexec.exe.
Afterwards, it injects its malicious code to this process. It then deletes itself
and downloads the following URLs:
At the time of this writing, the servers now return an HTTP Error
404 Not Found and we are not able to analyze additional downloaded components.
But based on its code, the server will give out another URL which contains either
an EXE file or a ZIP file:
seg000:7FFA2C44 cmp word ptr [eax], 'ZM' ; check
for 'MZ' indicates it is an EXE file
seg000:7FFA2C49 jz short loc_7FFA2C7F
seg000:7FFA2C4B cmp dword ptr [eax], 4034B50h ; check for 'PK' indicates ZIP file
seg000:7FFA2C51 jz short loc_7FFA2C70
A Different Payload
This malware employs multiple anti-analysis techniques. One
reason it does this is to make analysis difficult for us malware researchers.
In addition, it executes a different payload once it detects that it is being analysed.
Instead of carrying out the behavior that was stated in the Summary section, the following modifications
will be done:
Creates a copy of itself as:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE %\explorer.exe
To execute itself every time Windows starts, it adds the
following registry key:
Start WingMan Profiler = "%ALLUSERSPROFILE %"\explorer.exe
Opens and listens to port 3232. If someone connects to this
port, a remote shell command prompt will be opened.
To start, it checks the environment it is being run on.
- Checks process names for VBoxService.exe (VirtualBox) and vmtoolsd.exe (VMware)
- Queries registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disk\Enum and compares with strings:
cmp dword ptr [ebp-364h],
_1961:00401E98 jz
short loc_401EBF
_1961:00401E9A loc_401E9A:
cmp dword ptr [ebp-364h],
jz short loc_401EBF
_1961:00401EA6 loc_401EA6:
cmp dword ptr [ebp-364h],
_1961:00401EB0 jz short loc_401EBF
- Checks process names for 'SbieDll.dll' (Sandboxie)
- Checks process names against stored hashes. There is no way to revert these hashes back to the original string that was used but we were able to map two hashes to wireshark.exe and vmtoolsd.exe.
xor eax, 0E17176Fh
cmp eax, 97CA535Dh
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 23928ADBh
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 6A231AA1h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 6DD2531Bh
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 3A8B8BE4h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 3A51FCA1h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 55BEA691h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 32F5A99Ch
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 3351E744h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 79B90798h ; wireshark.exe
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 0FD53FE32h
jz loc_401EBF
_1961:00401D34 cmp
eax, 23A97A00h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 0ADC6152Bh
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 1365FAFEh
_1961:00401D4F jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 98847CD1h
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 299BC837h ; vmtoolsd.exe
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 35E8EFEAh
jz loc_401EBF
cmp eax, 632434B6h
jz loc_401EBF
As mentioned earlier, the behavior under "A Different
Payload" section will be run if it detects any of these processes or
If your volume information matches the hash 0x20C7DD84h, these
mentioned checks are skipped:
call dword ptr [ebp-10h] ; GetVolumeInformation
lea eax, [ebp-36Ch]
push eax
call sub_4016ED
cmp eax, 20C7DD84h
jz loc_401EB2
Another anti-analysis technique it used is retrieval of API addresses
by using CRC32 hashes.
push 0C13A7AD3h ; RegOpenKeyA
push esi
call GetAPIVaFromCrc32
mov [ebp-34h], eax
test eax, eax
jz loc_401EB2
push 0B039ADFEh ; RegQueryValueExA
push esi
call GetAPIVaFromCrc32
mov [ebp-38h], eax
test eax, eax
jz loc_401EB2
push 0A9290135h ; RegCloseKey
push esi
call GetAPIVaFromCrc32
mov [ebp-3Ch], eax
A call to the RegOpenKeyA API would look something like this:
push 80000002h
call dword ptr [ebp-34h]
Using static analysis, one would not be able to easily see that
the API called is RegOpenKeyA.
Yet another anti-analysis technique it uses is a second way
of calling its APIs. If in the previous example, the API address is stored
directly in [ebp-34h], now
the API address is stored layers deeper in the memory.
00004CCC: FF25C061FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61C0]
00004CD2: FF25BC61FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61BC]
00004CD8: FF25B861FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61B8]
00004CDE: FF25B461FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61B4]
00004CE4: FF25A461FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61A4]
00004CEA: FF25A061FA7F jmp d,[7FFA61A0]
00004CF0: FF259C61FA7F jmp d,[7FFA619C]
00004CF6: FF259861FA7F jmp d,[7FFA6198]
Dumping the memory at address 0x7FFA61BC, it leads us to
another address 0x7FF90020. Notice the difference in values from one dword to
another is 0x10:
At address 0x7FF90020, the instruction would look like this:
The first instruction MOV EDI,EDI is actually a copy of SetFileAttributesW’s
first instruction. The JMP instruction points to the next instruction in
SetFileAttributesW. See dump at 0x7C8314DD:
Some debuggers only maps the API name to its starting address.
As in this case, the debugger was not able to give out the API’s name. This is
a bit sophisticated anti-analysis technique. For the malware to accomplish
this, it has a built-in disassembler inside (more on this in appendix).
Additional dump at address 0x77F9000 (in increments of 0x10,
one instruction is stored followed by an E9 jump):
For the downloader part, the malware also authenticates the
data that was returned by the server. It expects the server to return a data that
will match a hash in the code. It will
only download the next component if it successfully authenticates the data
returned by the server.
Network Activity
It assembles a string with the following format:
An example would be:
It encrypts the string with RC4 using the key b8d4b5527da0f28c47cd82d86557d4dc
and encodes the ciphertext using Base64. The encoded string is sent via HTTP
POST requests to the following URLs:
This is illustrated by the following packet capture:
Appendix A. Disassembler
Querying parts of the following code in Google tells us it is
a disassembler routine:
cmp word ptr [esi-1], 20CDh
jnz short loc_401031
inc esi
jmp loc_40112F
_1961:0040102E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_1961:0040102E loc_40102E: ; CODE XREF:
inc ah
_1961:00401031 loc_401031: ; CODE XREF:
shr eax, 1
mov al,
jb short loc_40103F
shr eax, 4
Interesting to note is that one of the search hits leads to a
disassembler called Catchy32 v1.6 - Length Disassembler
Engine 32bit which is part of a bootkit malware: